I am sure that most know about the fact that on 26th November 2010 a group of hackers who like to call themselves the ‘Indian Cyber Army’ hacked into a server that was hosting over 40 government of Paksitan websites including the ones related to defense. They went on to deface these sites. The reason cited was that it is an indication and a response to the terrorist event that occurred on 26th November a year back and in common parlance referred to as 26/11.
I was contemplating whether this was good or was it bad.
My heart says ‘Yes’ it was bloody (please excuse me for using expletives but this is coming straight from my heart) damn good.
My brain says know. An eye for an eye will only blind the whole world and this might not be the most rational thing to do. There are some forums which I read and read a lot, if I may say. The popular notion there is that the response of the Indian Hackers ‘Indian Cyber Army’ is great and is something that the Indian government failed to did.
I am still undecided. But I pray for peace!
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